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Ali Fazal & Richa Chadha to tie-the-knot in October

Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha will reportedly tie-the-knot in October.

The couple’s marriage was postponed by 2.5 years due to the pandemic. Now, PinkVilla reports that Fazal and Chadha will get married with celebrations being held in Delhi and Mumbai in late September and first week of October. It is reported that pre-wedding festivities will begin at Delhi Gymkhana on 30th September and conclude with a grand reception on 7th October.

Initially, the couple was to wed in April 2020, Chadha spoke about the delay at the time. She said, “2020 has played spoilsport with us in many ways. The pandemic is far from done with us and the vaccine is nowhere in sight. It is only pragmatic to push our celebration to the coming year, in the interest of everyone that would attend.”

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