BizAsia has fast for the very latest on Asian media news and information. Since its initiation back in 2001, BizAsia can boast of numerous exclusive and fastest newsbreaks.
To advertise on BizAsia, please fill in the form below for competitive rates to suit your needs and to market your product(s) as effectively as possible. Any queries or comments regarding advertising on BizAsia please contact
Banner Specifications
File Size: All banner artwork must be 20K or less.
File Format: Ad creative should be submitted as separate files in GIF or JPG format, named yourcompany.gif (please compress all the files into a zip file named
Linking URL: A linking URL must be provided corresponding to each piece of creative.
Deadlines: All artwork must be submitted prior to any campaign so we can make necessary checks.
New advertisers must deliver their creative two business days prior to the start date. Advertisers may change their creative as often as required, changes will be processed upon receipt.
Delivery of Artwork
Materials and accompanying URL’s can be posted on the advertisers Web site to be retrieved by us. Alternatively, please compress all appropriate assets and upload the zip below.