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Media outlets slam proposed plans to introduce adverts on BBC podcasts

In a joint letter addressed to Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer, a coalition of 20 prominent media companies, including ITV, Sky, Bauer, Global, and Goalhanger, has expressed deep concern over the BBC’s proposal to introduce advertising in podcasts for some UK listeners.

The letter highlights the potential consequences of the BBC’s plan, emphasizing the adverse impact it could have on the UK’s burgeoning podcasting market, particularly for small independent podcast producers. It underscores the importance of maintaining a level playing field in the industry and raises questions about the BBC’s role in commercial ventures, given its significant public funding and mandate to serve the public interest.

“The BBC has vast funds to create content for its audiences and is not driven by commercial success, but instead by a mandate to act in the public interest, to inform, educate and entertain,” the letter stated.

The signatories expressed concerns about the BBC’s decision to introduce advertising in podcasts, citing the risk of disrupting the current podcasting ecosystem and potentially stifling competition. They argued that the move could have a detrimental effect on smaller podcast producers who rely on advertising revenue to sustain their operations.

In March, the BBC announced plans to sell adverts on some of its podcasts for UK listeners on platforms like Apple and Spotify, citing industry norms. However, the proposal has sparked controversy and drawn criticism from various quarters within the media landscape.

Podcasts via the BBC Sounds app would continue without any commercials.