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Times Network re-positions English channels

Times Network’s three English channel have undergone a change in content strategy and each re-position themselves. Movies Now is about big, bold blockbusters, MN+ is aristocratic and is about good stories. Romedy Now, on the other hand, is soft and mushy.

“The bedrock is to get the right product. The programming strategy is smart���smart acquisitions, smart segmentation and smart scheduling. I think that we have got the basics right on a whole host of things and that is why Movies Now has been leading,” says Times Network English entertainment cluster senior VP, business head Vivek Srivastava.

Each of the three channels has a premiere once a month, which has helped from a perception standpoint. ���Movies Now never used to do premieres. Last year we did several premieres. ��Wolf of Wall Street�۪ and ��Fury�۪ were the standout movies. MN+ just aired ��August Osage County�۪. The premieres give us ratings and bring in ads,�۝ says Srivastava..

The plan is to air 36 premieres this year on weekends. ���We will air ��Sin City 2�۪ on MN+ and ��John Wick�۪ on Movies Now. Give or take, 36 premieres will air this year on the weekend on the channels,�۝ reveals Srivastava.

Romedy Now�۪s content mix includes series airing from 6 to 9 pm, followed by movies.

Whilst MN+ attracts the decision-maker in the household and its primetime runs from 7 pm to midnight. ���The channel�۪s content is differentiated from anything else in the market. It is present across all HD platforms. We have an excellent library for it and this has been the reason for its success,�۝ says Srivastava.

Source: Televison Post