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Richard Keys & Andy Gray to join Al Jazeera?

Controversial sports reporters Richard Keys and Andy Gray could be joining Al Jazeera, according to The Mirror.

The former Sky Sports duo left the channel earlier this week after their sexist off-air comments about female assistant referee Sian Massey were recorded and leaked to the media.

Since Andy Gray was sacked and Richard Keys left Sky Sports this week, they have been approached by various channels about possible work. The Arab news channel, Al Jazeera has shown interest in signing the pair but an agreement is yet to be made.

It would be a massive coup for the station to land two of football�۪s leading presenters in a double act. They currently use several English front men including Gary Lineker for their shows.

Keys and Gray would spend extended periods in Qatar but there is also scope for them to do programmes from the station�۪s London base.