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Raj TV begins testing ahead of launch

Birmingham based Raj TV has commenced full video and audio testing ahead of its official launch on Sky Digital later this month.

The entertainment channel, which will specialise in home grown shows produced by and for the British Asians will be added to the Sky EPG channel line-up on Monday 19th September.

Raj TV will be a free-to-air channel and will be the first Asian channel to be available free on the worldwide web too via its current under construction website.

In a press release to Biz Asia, the channel states:

“The Channel will boast a comprehensive range of programmes to include lifestyle, music, sports, comedy, film drama, politics, documentaries, current affairs, educational as well as information services. Our energetic and creative team will be delivering programming that aims to be exclusive, dynamic, forward thinking, produced by Brit Asians offering a fantastic alternative to the current staple diet of overseas Asian films and programmes per se.”

Raj TV is also shunning away from the Asian section of channels on the Sky line-up, instead branding itself as an English speaking Asian channel and being categorised in the English Entertainment section of the Sky EPG. This means the channel will be slotted in the 200 band of channels as oppose to the other Asian channels, which are all bundled together in the 800 category. Raj TV will be available on Sky EPG 283 from Monday.

Watch test transmissions of Raj TV via the “Other Channels” option by tuning in the following frequency: 11.307 (H) under the label “Raj TV”.