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Qaran, a record producer, artist and songwriter, has recently dropped his latest track called Hope You Don’t Mind (HYDM). It features new talent The Rish and also sees ‘Anupamaa’ actress Nidhi Shah in the video. Qaran has described the song as being a step different to what he’s doe before. spoke to the talented music maestro about this track and more.

What was the inspiration behind Hope You Dont Mind?
HYDM is about speaking the truth. Good, bad or ugly. I wanted to explore all the complex emotions that linger long after a romantic separation and put them forth as honestly as I could in a way that is relatable.

The video features Nidhi Shah – how did that come about?
Nidhi is an excellent actress at the top of her game right now. Starring in the immensely popular show Anupamaa, she demonstrates a formidable range in her performances with ease. This is something we felt the video required & I believe she did justice.

Did she take much convincing as this is her first music video?
In my conversations with Nidhi on set, she told me that she was keen to do the video as soon as she heard the song. This made for a very positive vibe on set as it’s always good to work with someone who emotionally connects to the source material.

How do you/the team go about conceptualising a video and what input do you personally have?
I tend to be heavily involved in all aspects of the creative process, right from the songwriting stage up until the release. I believe that while it is music I make, it is a “vibe” that I’m truly selling. In order to put out a cohesive product, the “vibe” should be consistent in all aspects of the packaging including the video.

You mentioned recently that you see the song as the phase two, taking your music to another level. Could you explain why Hope You Don’t Mind signifies this?
There are many variables in what I believe constitutes a new phase, but the most prevalent is once again, the “vibe.” While there are different production & songwriting techniques at work in HYDM, at its core, the vibe is what sets it apart. My music has always been the most accurate representation of who I am as a person at any given time. The feeling you get from listening to one of my songs is the exact vibe I was giving out to the world when I made it. The same holds true for HYDM.

What other “phase two” music do you have coming up, if you’re able to reveal?
A lot of “Phase Two” music was written during the pandemic, a lot of which is slated to release this year. While I cannot at this time reveal the track names & release dates, I can say that they are records I am extremely excited to share with the world soon and have been created with sincerity. thanks Qaran for taking the time to talk to us.