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Priyanka Chopra slams Donald Trump comments

Priyanka Chopra 3

Priyanka Chopra has been living the high-life in America with a number of successful projects. Now she has the latest celebrity to voice her opinion on Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

Like a number of other prominent personalities around the world, Chopra too slammed Trump’s call to ban Muslim immigrants from the US.

At an event to celebrate her listing in the TIME 100 Most Influence list, Chopra was cited by saying, “I just think you can’t put a ban on anyone. Generalising a type of people is really primitive.”

Chopra added that the fight against terrorism had become complex that “you can’t put a face on it any more”.

Incidentally, in her American TV show ‘Quantico’, Chopra plays an FBI agent, who fights to clear her name linked to an attack. Chopra is also working on the ‘Baywatch’ film.