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Karan Johar confirms two household members test positive for coronavirus

Filmmaker Karan Johar has confirmed that two members of his household have tested positive for coronavirus.

Taking to Twitter, Johar said that his domestic staff had been diagnosed with the illness. However, he did inform his fans that his family was fine, including mother Hiroo and children, Yash and Roohi.

He said, “I’d like to inform you that 2 members of our household staff have tested positive for Covid-19. As soon as the symptoms were detected, they were put under quarantine in a section of our building. The BMC was informed immediately, and the building has been fumigated and sterilised by them as per the norms.”

He added, “The rest of us in the family and the staff are all safe and display no symptoms. We have all taken the swab test this morning and have tested negative, but will remain in self isolation for the next 14 days for the safety of everyone around us. We stand by our commitment to safeguard everyone and have ensured that all measures prescribed by the authorities have been strictly adhered to.”