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In Pictures: Salman Khan spotted with Iulia Vantur together

Rumours of Salman Khan and Romanian television personality, Iulia Vantur together have been doing the rounds for several months.

While neither parties have confirmed or denied the speculation, the media has got rather excited about a possible marriage between the two.

Previously, Khan laughed off rumours about a link with Iulia. In a quote cited by India Today, Khan said, “There is a lot of buzz about a lot of things about me, which is never true. Yes, I read what is written, hear what is said, and my right answer to your question would be that I am indifferent to all of it. The small things don’t bother me at all, but they bother my parents. And that really bothers me.”

In Pictures: Salman Khan spotted with Iulia Vantur together

Salman Khan & Iulia Vantur
Salman Khan & Iulia Vantur
Salman Khan & Iulia Vantur
Salman Khan & Iulia Vantur