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Gurinder Chadha & Sarfraz Manzoor to attend ‘Blinded By The Light’ Q&A

With the imminent release of Gurinder Chadha’s next ‘Blinded By The Light’, the popular filmmaker, along with the writer of the film Sarfraz Manzoor, will be attending two special UK events this week.

A special screening of ‘Blinded By The Light’ has been scheduled in Manchester and Birmingham, which will be followed by a Q&A with Chadha and Manzoor.

Wednesday 17th July
Home, 2 Tony Wilson Place, Manchester
Time: 17:50

Thursday 18th July
Everyman, Mailbox, Birmingham
Time: 18:30

Set in 1987, during the austere days of Thatcher’s Britain, Blinded by the Light is a joyous, coming-of-age story about a teenager who learns to live life, understand his family and find his own voice through the words and music of Bruce Springsteen.

Feelgood, joyous and life affirming, Blinded by the Light stars a wealth of British talent, from young up and coming stars Viveik Kalra (Next of Kin, Beecham House), Nell Williams (Game of Thrones), Aaron Phagura (Doctor Who) and Dean Charles-Chapman (Game of Thrones, Breathe), to established favourites Kulvinder Ghir (Bend it Like Beckham), Meera Ganatra (PREMature), Hayley Atwell(Avengers: Endgame) and Rob Brydon (Swimming with Men).

The film gets its nationwide release on Friday 9th August 2019.