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Director Gauri Shinde has no plans for ‘English Vinglish’ sequel

Sridevi in 'English Vinglish'
Sridevi in 'English Vinglish'

With so many sequels coming out, one would only expect director Gauri Shinde to also be planning the same with her super hit debut ‘English Vinglish’ (2012). However, the director has no plans of that sort.

“No plans as of now. People are asking and they are interested, but no plans…,” Times of India report the director stating. The film which starred Sridevi as a housewife learning English marked the actress’s comeback.

Despite the film becoming a hit, Shinde feels in no hurry to start another project. “Not yet. I am hoping for ideas to come to me so I can start soon,” she states when asked about future plans.

Whenever Shinde decides on a new project, no doubt it will raise high hopes for audiences worldwide.