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Akshay Kumar to perform on Big Life Ok Awards this month

Akshay Kumar & Sonakshi Sinha in 'Holiday'

Akshay Kumar is set to open up Star TV’s Big Life OK Awards at the end of this month with a special performance.

Life OK, has partnered up with BIG Productions to introduce the Life OK Now Awards, representing India�۪s first awards ceremony of this kind which will honour the cream of entertainment industry, encompassing film, television and music. Most importantly, all awards given will be based on votes from the audience only.

The awards are set to play out each month and who better to kick them off than the global ambassador to Indian cinema, Akshay Kumar. The awards will also be held in association with ��Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty�۪, which sees Akshay take on the role of Virat, a military officer who is on holiday with his battalion in his bustling home city of Mumbai. However, unbeknown to his fellow officers, Virat is also an undercover Secret Defence Intelligence Agent, masterly skilled and trained in covert intelligence operations.

Akshay has recently taken part in a promotional video for the Big Life OK Now Awards where he points out that everyone wants everything now and asks people to tune in on 31st Ma at 8pm. Between filming for ��Baby�۪, promotional work for ��Holiday�۪, preparing for the launch of his Martial Arts Institute for women on June 1st and taking part in these awards, it comes as no surprise that BIG Productions and Life OK would choose the multi-tasking and multi-talented superstar that is Akshay to be the first face of their awards show.

‘Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty�۪ is released worldwide through Reliance Entertainment on 6th June 2014.