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ZEE TV gets telling off by Ofcom over sponsor

ZEE TV was the latest victim being pulled up by media regulator, Ofcom, after it broadcast a sponsorship message during programming airtime.

In an episode of ‘Sa Re Ga Ma Pa – Lil Champs’ aired on Friday 17th July, a viewer complained about the inclusion of commercial messages within the programme.

The following sponsorship references appeared during the programme:
– An ‘East End L�۪il Champs’ on-screen caption was displayed when contestants performed on stage; and
– After a commercial break, a presenter verbally referred to the programme sponsor when welcoming the audience back to the show.

ZEE TV apologised for the “error” and explained that the programme was produced and originally transmitted live in India. Unlike many of the channel�۪s other programmes, the programme was broadcast in the UK very quickly after the original live transmission in India. ZEE TV believed that this speed of turnaround may have “caught the staff out.”

According to Ofcom rules and regulations, sponsorship credits must be clearly separated from programmes by temporal or spatial means. This is likely to change soon as product placement rules, as this is known as in the industry, are likely to change this year.