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Taapsee Pannu: “People now expect my work to be interesting & worth their time”

Taapsee Pannu is known to be one of the current generation’s actresses who does films which often carry important messages. The actress has recently spoken about being viewed as such.

“People now expect my work to be interesting and worth their time, so I can’t do four films a year and look and sound the same in all. Being a female actor I cannot afford to do just one film a year. I wish I had that luxury. But I cannot turn my life upside down for a role. I get bored quickly, so new roles and new places help. Fame is not important…I am the modern young woman. My roles represent that. People should be able to relate to my character”, said the actress, talking to Filmfare.

“If I had to struggle for roles, I wouldn’t have lasted in this field for so long,” she also added.

Pannu marked her debut in 2013.