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Rishtey in breach of exceeding advertising limit

Rishtey has been found in breach twice for exceeding the advertising limit allowed to be broadcasted in any one hour.

Channels must not exceed 12 minutes of advertising time in any one hour, according to broadcasting rules.

During routine monitoring, Ofcom identified two instances when the Licensee had broadcast more than the permitted advertising allowance. The 15:00 clock hour on 7th June 2013 exceeded the allowance by two minutes and 30 seconds, and the 21:00 clock hour on 15th June 2013 exceeded the allowance by three minutes and 16 seconds.

The channel explained that the channel uses a new software system to book and schedule advertisements around the proposed programme schedule and that once this process is complete, the schedule is synced with its older system for broadcast.

The broadcaster apologised for the incident and submitted there was no intention to gain commercially from the broadcast of additional minutage.