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Madhurima Tuli on watching rival ‘Chandrakanta’

Popular actress, Madhurima Tuli, who made her debut with Colors’ new costume drama ‘Chandrakanta’ admitted she has watched a couple of episodes of ‘Prem Ya Paheli…Chandrankanta’, which airs on rival channel Life OK.

Tuli, who plays the lead character on the Colors show told Raj Baddhan on Sabras Radio’s Drivetime show, “I saw couple of episodes but I’ve been shooting for my show too. I would say that we’re very different to that show. They are doing their best and we are also trying our best. I’m not really getting pressurised by that because if you get pressurised from that then I wouldn’t be able to perform my scenes/episodes. I’m just thinking that this is the only Chandrakanta that is happening right now and I don’t think about anything else.”

The full interview can be heard here (via Sabras Radio).