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Jacqueline Fernandez named “accused” for first time in Rs. 200 crore extortion case

Jacqueline Fernandez has been named as an “accused” for the first time in a chargesheet filed in the ongoing alleged Rs. 200 crore extortion case linked to Sukesh Chandrashekhar.

The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Delhi Police said it recorded the actress’ “important” statement ahead of the magistrates hearing.

The Delhi court adjourned until 12th December so the prosecution can prepare arguments on the point of charge. Meanwhile, Fernandez was granted bail on 15th November.

Special Judge Shailendra Malik said it had granted bail on the condition she does not leave India without the court’s prior permission. He said, “However without expressing much on the merits of the matter which of course would be decided during the trial, it is yet to be examined if there was a knowledge, intention or connection of applicant in taking those gifts and of proceeds of crime in this case. In that sense I find that accused/ applicant is entitled to relief of bail, more particularly when she was not arrested during the investigation.”