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In Video: Netflix releases trailer of ‘Ginny Weds Sunny’

Netflix India has released the trailer of its upcoming romantic comedy ‘Ginny Weds Sunny’.

Living with her matchmaker mother in Delhi, Ginny is a free spirit who refuses to settle with mediocre. Enter: Sunny. He’s got cheesy romantic lines, witty answers, an aversion for risk and a determination to make Ginny his wife.

But, the match is not that simple.

As she meets Sunny, there’s a lot more that comes to the fore than previously imagined in this tale of love, life, weddings and music. Will this mismatch made in heaven make it against all odds?

Find out what happens next on Ginny Weds Sunny, starring Vikrant Massey, Yami Gautam and Ayesha Raza on 9th October, only on Netflix.