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Five thought-provoking statements by Digangana Suryavanshi about mental health

‘Jalebi’ (2018) actress Digangana Suryavanshi has always been vocal about her thoughts on mental health awareness. The actress, who released her first book ‘Waves: The Endless Emotions’, at the tender age of fifteen, has spoken up about the importance of mental health on several occasions. Here are some of the strongest and thought-provoking statements that she’s made to date.

“We live in the physical world where the most important thing is mental health.”

“One thing that people really need to take care of is their mind because it is not for today but it is also for tomorrow.”

“I think everything about your physical health, wherever you are, or whatever you do is all connected with your mental health.”

“Broken, burnt, bruised. Well, it’ll all pass by. Let’s focus on the view; all that’s right here, right now. Smile!”

“Eventually, a beating heart is all that matters.”

What sets Suryavanshi apart from others is that she not only acts, but she also writes, sings, paints, and composes music as well. Quite impressively, the actress even released her first-ever novel at the young age of sixteen called ‘Nixie the mermaid and the power of love’. The multi-talented actress started writing at the age of ten, and even released her first-ever music album ‘Devi Kheer Khalo’ at the same age.

The actress is currently waiting to resume her shoot in August for her upcoming Telugu film ‘Seetimaarr’, where she’ll be seen playing the role of a journalist opposite actor Gopichand.