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Bradford Asian Radio requests Ofcom for output change

Community station, Bradford Asian Radio has requested Ofcom for a Key Commitments change to tweak its output.

Bradford Asian Radio has requested the following changes:

► Change its description of character of service so that it is no longer a “speech-led” radio station
for the “Asian population of Bradford”, but a “music and speech radio station” for the “Asian
(primarily Pakistani) population of Bradford”, which also offers “special programming on religious
and cultural occasions”.

► Change its music requirements from music “from the Indian sub-continent”, to “Pakistani, Indian,
Punjabi, Mirpuri and Qawwali Music” and to make reference to being able to change its music
output to “religious/spiritual tracks only” during religious and cultural occasions.

► Change its speech output requirements so it is able to limit output to “religious and cultural
programming only” during moments of religious significance, relevant to its target community.

► Reduce its original output requirement from “a minimum of 13 hours per day” to “a minimum of
42 hours per week.”

Before Ofcom grants any changes, it is seeking views on the request before 9th January 2020.