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Ashmit Patel surprises fan with a personalised message

Ashmit Patel, known to be very open and gregarious online and offline with those who reach out to him, took a contest winner by surprise on Instagram by sending him a rather heartwarming message.

The contest was organised by myFanPark and encouraged fans to ask questions to celebrities like Patel, Aarti Khetarpal, and Delnaaz Irani. The winners were promised a personal shoutout from each star and sure enough, Ashmit was more than happy to oblige his biggest fan.

The contest chose three best questions from the follower pool and the participants were asked to tag two other people to increase the engagement and excitement surrounding the contest.

The contest that began on September 18, ran for a period of five days and winners were announced on 23rd September. For the fan, who received a message from Ashmit, this was a twin celebration because added to the excitement of being a winner, was the thrill of connecting with his idol directly.