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Arjun Kapoor believes in health over abs

Arjun Kapoor 2 States
Arjun Kapoor believes in health over abs

As more Bollywood men are becoming shaped, there are still those few who believe that health is more important than the way your body just looks. One such name is young actor Arjun Kapoor, who has had his own personal battles with health and fitness.

Before joining the industry, Kapoor had nearly reached the 140kg mark, which he has managed to shed through a balanced health and fitness regime. ��Talking about how fitness is preserved within the industry, Mid-Day��report the actor explaining, “It’s unfortunate that now fitness has become about how many abs you have. But health is equally important.”

“You don’t need to have abs to be healthy. You need to lead a very balanced life. You can’t be just saying ‘I have abs so I am healthy’. Your lifestyle has to be balanced and that is what leads to healthier, longer life,” he went onto say.

We can all agree with Kapoor’s advice in the hope that those planning on buffing up follow suit. As much as a good physique is great for those in the public eye, audiences also want our actors to be in good health.

Kapoor will be seen next in ‘2 States’ which is set for release on 18th April.