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Akshay Kumar: “Twinkle Khanna has always been good with words”


Akshay Kumar has spoke out about his wife Twinkle Khanna saying how good she is with words.

The former actress, who unveiled her book ‘Mrs Funnybones’ last week, made some funny vibes at the launch event.

Talking to Deccan Chronicle, Kumar said, ���My wife has always been very good with her words, whether they are witty or kind, blunt or honest ��� her tongue has a way of working that makes everyone in the room sit up and listen.�۝

He added, ���I couldn�۪t be more proud of her, from an actress to a devoted mother, owning her own business and being one of the most creative interior designers in the industry, she was once known as Mrs Kumar, but in all honesty, she rocks as Mrs Funnybones even more.�۝