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Aamir Khan: “Watching Mr Bachchan was such a fulfilling experience”

Aamir Khan, who is known as Bollywood’s perfectionist, surely looks up to another veteran superstar for inspiration, and its none other than Amitabh Bachchan. Khan who is working with Bachchan in the upcoming ‘Thugs of Hindostan’, says watching Bachchan on screen has always been a fulfilling experience.

As according to Indian Express, Khan said, “Watching Mr. Bachchan on screen in a theatre….His aura, action, every nuance of his acting was such a fulfilling experience in cinema. I think the super stardom of Amitabh Bachchan can’t be recreated. It is so unique, the charisma he has…I mean imagine, there was a time when seven of his films were running in the theatre for months. Films like ‘Don’, ‘Mukkadar ka Sikander’, and ‘Trishul’ in the same year! He used to date clash with his own films!”

‘Thugs of Hindostan’ also features Katrina Kaif, and is slated for an Diwali 2018 release.

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