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‘2 States’ makers invite fans to “engagement”

In an innovative strategy to promote the theatrical trailer of ‘2 States’, the producers and actors of the film have invited fans to join them at the “engagement” of its two leading stars.

The film, which stars Arjun Kapoor and Alia Bhatt is based on a novel written by Chetan Bhagat. The writer went on Twitter to apologise to fans for the late notice to invite them to the “engagement” of Krish and Ananya – the lead characters of the film. The ceremony takes place on Friday 28th February at midday (India).

He said, “Hi guys. There’s an engagement in the family day after, Feb 28, 12 noon. Short notice, but hope you guys can make it.”

Similarly, Bhatt told her Twitter followers, “I’m getting engageddddddd !!! ;)”

The invite is below.

'2 States' invite fans to "engagement"
'2 States' invite fans to "engagement"