Katrina Kaif & Vicky Kaushal song choice at sangeet revealed?
Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal flew to Rajasthan on Monday evening for their wedding celebrations. The event will begin on 7th December with the sangeet and mehndi ceremonies. The wedding will then take place on 9th December. Reports also say that the couple will dance during the sangeet to the song “Teri Ore” from Kaif’s film ‘Singh Is Kinng’ (2008).
A source told the media. “Vicky and Katrina’s sangeet is going to be the highlight of their wedding functions, with both sides having diligently practiced for their respective performances. It’s going to be the groom’s side vs the bride’s side on stage, while there will be performances by Vicky and Katrina as well. Her popular track Teri Ore is one of the songs which they will be performing on. A lot of practice for this event will be done at the venue as well.”
The pair’s connection to the song goes a long way back, reports NDTV. During an episode of TapeCast Season 2, Kaif and Kaushal talked about the song. Recalling the incident, Kaushal said, “You know while you are talking about your songs, I was in acting institute, this was back in 2009 and one of our exercises was to look into the camera and dance, as in we had to express and dance to Teri Or.”
The wedding will be a private affair and will reportedly have a no-phone policy. The duo will get married at the Six Senses Fort in Sawai Madhopur.
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