BBC plans to “clarify the station brand of Asian Network”
The BBC is planning to review the Asian Network service, which could result in changes to its Operating Licence.
The BBC published its Annual Plan for 2023/24 on Thursday, in which it referred to a point about refocussing elements of the station’s programming to ensure maximum audience impact for British Asian audiences.
It said, “We are also considering how we can clarify the station brand of Asian Network and refocus elements of its programming to ensure maximum audience impact for British Asian audiences.
“While we have not finalised plans it is possible that the resulting proposals may require changes to the Operating Licence. We will engage with stakeholders and Ofcom once we have completed this review.”
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Also, a part of the upcoming plan, the BBC Asian Network will complete the first phase of its relocation to Birmingham by March 2024. It is also planning to hold a live event in the North West of England celebrating British Asian music and culture.
It also reaffirmed its commitment to continue with its existing news and current affairs schedule, reflecting the most pressing issues affecting British Asians, with relevant content shared via social media to reach the widest possible audience. Furthermore, it stated that it will continue to support established and rising British Asian artists from across the UK from UK Bhangra to Asian Drill and beyond. We will also represent the diverse perspectives, cultures, and conversations that influence British Asians today.