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ARY Digital to launch new channel

QTV is part of ARY Networks bouquet of channels watched
by hundred of thousands of viewers in the Middle East
and Asian Sub Continent. ARY announced from a live show
in Dubai that QTV will be launching for the UK & Europe
viewers within 3 months at a annual subscription of
�180.00 (Subscribers will also receive Islamic
content which includes books, CDs & Videos inclusive for
�180.00). The Islamic content mentioned above will
be available for India & Pakistan for a cost of Rs
5000, QTV is already available in these areas.

The content for Middle East is priced at $100.00. ARY
Network have already ARY Digital on Sky Digital in the
UK and looks at launching news channel ARY One World by
year end also. Keep it with Biz Asia for full details on
QTV and ARY One World.