Amazon Prime Video issues apology after ‘Tandav’ row
After the row that web-series ‘Tandav’ resulted it, OTT giant Amazon Prime Video has released a statement of apology for the controversy.
The statement reads, “Amazon Prime Video again deeply regrets that viewers considered certain scenes to be objectionable in the recently launched fictional series Tandav. This was never our intention, and the scenes that were objected to were removed or edited when they were brought to our attention. We respect our viewers’ diverse beliefs and apologize unconditionally to anyone who felt hurt by these scenes.
Our teams follow company content evaluation processes, which we acknowledge need to be constantly updated to better serve our audiences. We will continue to develop entertaining content with partners, while complying with the laws of India and respecting the diversity of culture and beliefs of our audiences”.
Meanwhile, due to this web-series and the groups protesting about the religious scenes and depictions, the team of ‘Tandav’ altered the original content and the Indian government have now also issued guidelines for such shows.